If you have difficulty meditating, a tea ceremony meditation might be for you.
These days, self care isn’t exactly something I get to put at the top of my list everyday. It is absolutely a high priority for me but I just don’t have as much time as I used to for it. As a mom, my attention is shared with another little human so I only get a fraction of my own time. What I have found to be essential is living with INTENTION.
For me, that means in everything that I do, there is an intention behind it. Even something as simple as brushing my teeth, I use that time for affirmations and planting seeds of positive thoughts and good feelings. If I am taking a bath, I am imagining all of the days energy washing off of me. When I play with my baby, I am admiring his beauty and appreciating his existence. I pour praise, love, adoration and nurturing energy into him. When I make my jewelry, I am thinking about how these pieces will lead whoever wears them to their bliss, the energy inside them is full of intention.
What you focus on, expands. What you give energy to, always grows. There are countless ways to say it but it is very simple really. To sum it up, it doesn’t matter what you are doing in life, you want the energy behind what you are doing to be meaningful and brimming with a high frequency. That energy will fill your insides and then expand to others who come in contact with you. This will create a world around you of your own making. Your intentions will create your world.
When you begin to build your life with intention, you will find yourself baby stepping your way to bliss. Let’s break it down for you a little bit more.
You can live intentionally by adoption rituals into your daily routines. One ritual that I have adopted, after seeing the Kardashians do this amazing tea ceremony, is a tea time meditation. These typically are a Chinese ritual of silence and mindfulness while preparing organic & pure tea. However, as with most things, I like to create my own version filled with a lot of intention and a little glamour. I have totally become a woman who has an appreciation and love for all things spiritual but I choose to make these rituals glamorous, beautiful and in a way that feels fabulous to me. So that my home living experience if of course, blissful.
Full disclosure, this particular morning, I was drinking coffee. I just decided to make my coffee in the same way you make tea (french press gives you that filtered boiling water aspect). Anyway, the point is, you can make this your own and have the same effect. It’s more about taking time out to live intentionally.
Related Reading: the most perfect ritual robe I’ve found
Here is how to do a proper tea ceremony (step by step):
#1 Set the scene:
Once Roman goes down for his morning nap, I begin preparing for my mini meditation. I open the windows wide, let some fresh air in and lots of sunlight. You’re supposed to sit in silence but I prefer to listen to meditation music, the sounds are so soothing and serene. I like to provide myself ample beautiful things to look at because beauty makes me happy, joyful and zen.
I like interior design books because it’s more about visuals and not about words. I like to have fresh flowers, too. Pink roses are my favorite lately, however I can’t wait for peony season at Trader Joes. I like using a silver tray for absolutely everything so that usually carts around my teacup and tea pot. In a typical tea ceremony, they recommend using pottery but I always insist on beauty so I love porcelain tea cups. There is something mindful about them to me.
#2 What I wear:
Of course, I am always in one of my kimono robes, this helps things feel more ritual to me. A robe is a garment that signifies something. It means something. Traditionally, people wear robes to preform ceremonies or rituals, its a part of making the experience significant and meaningful. So, why shouldn’t we wear fabulous robes at home while we experience our own rituals. That could be washing the dishes, making tea, etc. Whatever it is for you that you are trying to give intention to, a robe really helps to amplify that.
I always wear crystals. I make it really fun and select the type of crystal energy I need for that day. Say I want to lean into gratitude and calm? I choose something like peach jade. If I am ready to manifest something, I choose something like amazonite. Wearing my crystal jewelry helps me to be specific with my intention. The universe and God love us being specific and being true to our hearts so crystals help you center around that.
#3 Making the tea:
This is where you get in your meditation. As you prepare your tea, be in silence. Be slow about the creation. Make everything beautiful and meaningful, sit in appreciation of this moment. Of course, thoughts will fill your mind ‘oh my god this is so silly’ or ‘oh crap, I need to fold the laundry’. Resist the urge to tend to those thoughts. Allow them and let them go. Return your attention to your intention and make your tea. Listen to the sounds, allow yourself to really get into it and see how the experience makes you feel.
Once I have made the tea, I take my tray over to the area where I just sit, relax and enjoy the experience. I take several deep breaths. I like to gaze out the window and see what colors I am most drawn to ( a Feng Shui practice that helps you learn what it is that you need more of that day ). Pay attention to your thoughts. If you think of a friend, perhaps you should reach out later or if you think of something you have been wanting to do, maybe it’s time you should go do it.
The purpose of this meditation is to quiet your mind and listen to your soul, your heart, your intuition.
#4. Journal whatever comes to mind.
Here’s the good part: When I am done with the tea, I write down EVERYTHING. All the thoughts, ideas, moments, etc. Whatever you need to get out of your mind, write it out. This will help you walk into your day with intention and clarity. You will feel a little lighter too.
I have always experienced a difference in my mind, body connection when I am in meditation. If you would like an easy start into a good mindfulness journey, join me in my Soul Aligned workshop. A 21-day workshop focused on your spiritual/personal growth…
I wanted to leave you with this quote so that you remember that while they may seem unimportant and silly, meditations and rituals like these are what you fill your insides up with. Hope you enjoy.
Have a beautiful weekend. Xo, ashlina