On the weekends, I like to bond with my design girlfriends and go antiquing/thrift store shopping. It's such a thrill to find something for a steal or something you have been looking for. I am always one who looooooves to find cool art pieces. Art is the best way to express your personality in your home.
I am personally a huge fan of nude sketches, I think they are so classic. I also love fun femme photography and vintage painted portraits. The list goes on and on. So, this weekend if you are out and about and you see a fun female art piece that makes you laugh or smile. Get it. Hang it up in an unexpected place in your home and see the personality of the room shift. It may just brighten up your day.
Check out some of my current favorites:

images: 1-tamara magel 2-style me pretty 3-Gorgio 4-katie kime 5- 6-denoit 7-interiors X ashlina 8- megan hess