I can remember back when I was a young girl, I could hardly wait to get out the newspaper and tear out the middle section so I could circle what I wanted for Christmas. That's how we used to do it back in the days before we had the internet. I made sure to glance at every single page in those mailers so as to not miss a thing. Today, I do the same thing on the internet, scour through each and every page to make sure I am not missing some great and beautiful find.
This year Horchow has invited me to make a Christmas wish list from their site. While this excites me so much, it also feels a little bit like I'm that kid in the candy store everyone talks about. The possibilities are absolutely endless. I love everything from Horchow. Because I really like to organize my thoughts and make my lists, I've narrowed my finds down to a few categories that I find most important for my home in preparation of the holiday season. . .
Exotic elegance. For Fall, I like to add some furs and animal touches that warm up the space. You want to make your home feel like the coziest hotel. Here are a few of my picks for warming up your space in an elegant and exotic way. This fur throw is at the top of my list.

Golden entertaining essentials. Let's be honest, gold is always a good idea. As a hostess, I love to serve my guests in the most glamorous and beautiful things I own. It's how my grandmother always did for us. We always felt very special because when we were around, she gave us her very best. That's how I want my guests to feel, completely special and glamorous! Here are some super stylish finds. . .

Home office luxuries. Fall always seems like the most hectic season, no? Making Christmas lists, organizing travel, sending out Christmas cards and then following up with Thank You notes. It can be a little exhausting. When I am done with work, I don't want to do more work. So, I like to make my Holiday "home" work a little more beautiful so I really enjoy it. I would especially love a new beautiful desk like this one and this gold speaker is a MUST for listening to music while I work.

Do you prepare your home for the holidays besides just the thematic decorating? If so, I would love to know more, leave me a comment below.