In light of recent events, I'll be moving next week into a new, bigger place. Naturally I'll be spending lots of time organizing my things so I pack efficiently and effectively. Moving is always a challenge. Every time I move, I find that I have so many things that I forgot I even had and they end up getting thrown away. It seems that no matter how much I seem to declutter, there is always more.
My personal philosophy aka Blissful Living, is all about designing a beautiful life. Behind that is not only just a beautiful home and decor but really manifesting and creating the life you dream of living. It's not just about making the most of what you have, its also setting yourself up for manifesting the things you want to experience in this life. One of my secret tricks I always use when I really want to manifesting something like cash flow, travel, etc. I re organize things.
I work you through this in my Decorating for Success workshop but for today, I want to encourage you to begin with your books. Books always tell the story of who you are and who you want to be. It's a way to tell a lot about what you are up to in this life.
What do your books say about you?

Edit them down: First and foremost, you want to take a good inventory of your books. I once read that taking a look at the books that surround you will be telling of why you are stuck in certain situations. For example, you own a ton of dieting books and are still struggling with your diets. Take it as a sign. Throw those out, get some books and magazine that focus on being healthy, happy, nourished, etc. This will get your mindset and energy geared toward a successful outcome, not staying "stuck" in dieting ruts. So, do your best making sure that ALL of your books support you at your best or the things that make you feel blissful.

Clean & clear: As you are going through your books and editing them down, you want to make sure they are cleaned off and dusted. Wipe the shelves down while you are at it. See where you can clear out the stagnant energy and brighten up your book inventory.

Get yourself a bookshelf: With the books you have left, you want to be sure to organize them beautifully. Give every book a home and make its home intentional. When I am really looking to manifest something in my life, I make sure my life is clean and clear. No stacks of books just lying around, piles of them I need to read, etc. They are put up, organized, given some style so that my home isn't cluttered with books. Find a bookshelf that works with your style and amount of books you want to organize.
Color code & Section for style: I absolutely love using the books I love as part of my home decor. Two ways you can really maximize them is to group them in like color and/or like book genres. I like to keep my Feng Shui books together, my fashion books together, cook books and travel books. It feels good to me to group them like the bookstore does. Typically they will be more fun to display that way.
Want help pulling your room together virtually? I can help you, see how here.

For more secrets to decorating for success, join the workshop here!
Images via One Kings Lane