1. The first week of the year is always a good one. It's full of excitement. Reading my newest book, The life-changing magic of tidying up & I must say its pretty spot on. I agree with so much of what she says. Especially how you can find everything you want to know about yourself by looking at your book collection.

2. I've had a blast getting my Filofax in order for 2016. Especially filling dates for my new success coaching clients. If you are wanting some coaching for your 2016 , book a quick 30 minute power session for only $50. (January only)

3. Emerald and blush pink. Its such a good color combo. I am beyond blessed I get to create this magic for my Houston client.

4. As much as I love color, in my home I really love grey. It also looks fabulous with blush pink and with damask.

5. I also love the mix of grey and gold. Did a little shopping at High Fashion Home and fell in love with this set up.

6. I found a few of these gold and white striped dish sets at TJ MAXX, the problem is they didn't have a full setting. So, I've been on the hunt for some good mix and match pieces for my newest table decor. Check out my birthday table inspiration.

7. One of my most favorite Austin brunch spots is Josephone House. . .it's delish!

8. In Dallas, its CBD in the Joule Hotel. I'm also obsessed with my new little Chanel wallet. She's gorgeous.

9. Was so excited to be featured on TroveMarket. If you have not checked out the app, do it NOW! They have all kinds of awesome things for sale in your area. You may find just what you have been looking for and much more focused option than craigslist.

10. My 2016 mantra!