Want to attract money to your life using Feng Shui? Great! This post will tell you the 5 best plants to bring into your home for abundance.
In Feng Shui, plants play an essential role in bringing life, balance, and vibrant energy into a home. Each plant carries a specific energy or “chi,” which can influence different aspects of life, from wealth and health to love and happiness.
Green plants symbolize the wood element, which represents growth, vitality, and prosperity. By strategically placing plants throughout your home, and displaying them in gorgeous pots that align with your home’s decor, you can activate specific areas, aligning your space with your intentions to attract abundance, harmony, and good fortune.
Plants not only add aesthetic beauty and purify the air but also transform the energy flow within a room, encouraging a sense of peace and grounding. Wealth-attracting plants, in particular, can be powerful Feng Shui tools to stimulate prosperity and success.
Each of these plants has a unique meaning and specific care needs, and placing them thoughtfully enhances their ability to bring the desired results.
Plants in your office are also great feng shui, there are many benefits of keeping plants at home that will help you.
Below, we’ll explore the best plants for attracting wealth, how they contribute to a balanced, harmonious home, and the ideal locations to maximize their prosperity-boosting power.
Related Reading: How to activate your Feng Shui money corner
5 Best Plants for Attracting Wealth and Prosperity in Feng Shui
1. Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)
Meaning: Known as the “Money Tree,” this plant symbolizes good fortune and prosperity. Its braided trunk is said to trap positive energy and financial blessings.
Best Placement: Place the Money Tree in the southeast corner of your home or office, known as the “wealth area” in Feng Shui.
Care Tips: Keep it in bright, indirect sunlight and water it once every one to two weeks, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings. The Money Tree also thrives in humid conditions, so a light misting can help it stay healthy.
2. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)
Meaning: Also called the “Friendship Plant,” the Jade Plant’s round leaves resemble coins, symbolizing growth, renewal, and prosperity.
Best Placement: It’s best to place the Jade Plant near your front door or in your office space to invite wealth.
Care Tips: Jade plants need plenty of sunlight to thrive and should be watered once the top inch of soil feels dry. They do well in well-draining soil, and overwatering can harm them.
3. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana)
Meaning: Lucky Bamboo is associated with luck, wealth, and health. The number of stalks in the arrangement determines the type of luck it attracts..
five stalks symbolize wealth
six symbolize happiness
eight symbolize prosperity
Best Placement: Place Lucky Bamboo in the east or southeast area (money corner) of your home.
Care Tips: Lucky Bamboo can thrive in low light and only needs to be kept in water, ideally with pebbles at the bottom for support. Change the water every two weeks to keep it fresh.
4. Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant)
Meaning: Known as the Chinese Money Plant, this plant is said to attract wealth and abundance. Its round, coin-like leaves make it a powerful wealth symbol in Feng Shui.
Best Placement: This plant does well in the southeast corner or a prominent place in your living room.
Care Tips: The Chinese Money Plant loves indirect sunlight and should be watered about once a week. Let the soil dry between waterings, as it doesn’t tolerate soggy soil.
5. Orchid
Meaning: Orchids are symbols of fertility, beauty, and abundance. In Feng Shui, they represent not only prosperity but also harmony and luxury. Orchids are thought to enhance positive energy and help balance relationships, which can indirectly support financial success.
Best Placement: Place an orchid in your home’s wealth area (the southeast corner) or the bedroom if you wish to enhance harmony and invite prosperous energy in relationships. Orchids in the office can also bring a sense of elegance and balance, promoting a productive, inspiring atmosphere.
Care Tips: Orchids thrive in indirect sunlight and prefer a humid environment, so placing them in bathrooms or near a water source is ideal. Water them weekly, but ensure the roots aren’t sitting in water, as they need good drainage. Orchids also benefit from a special orchid fertilizer every few months to maintain their health.
You can have a beautiful orchid delivered to your home from Amazon today!
Additional Feng Shui Money Tips:
Running Water: A small fountain or fish tank in the southeast area can help create a flow of positive energy, symbolizing a continuous influx of wealth.
Mirrors and Crystals: Place crystals or mirrors near wealth plants to amplify the plant’s energy. Avoid mirrors facing the plants directly, as this can reflect the energy outward instead of attracting it.
For more Feng Shui tips and tricks, check out High Vibe Home!