There is something about an organized home that just feels good. I have an entire board on Pinterest dedicated to chic organization. While I am always inspired by the look, its hard to achieve myself. Especially the dreamy closets we see everywhere.
It wasn't until I worked with a specialist around Feng Shui and organization that I learned just how impactful creating an organized home could be. It may sound a little silly but intentionally designing my home for ABUNDANCE, changed my entire life. When I cleared out the things that were blocking my pathway to more for myself, all kinds of things began to show up for me. All the things that I was wanting to come to my life finally came. Things like clarity around my goals, flowing words for my book, financial freedoms, really just an overall ease. For those of you who want to know how, you must join me for my newest workshop, Decorating for Abundance here. Clearing out the things that don't serve you, opening windows for fresh air, connecting with the sacred space that is your home. . .these are a few of the foundations for a blissful lifestyle.
I highly encourage you to prioritize making your home a pulled together, clean, organized and chic interior. Let these images inspire you. . .