It seems that these days everyone is rushing to get up in the morning, get ready and begin the hustle. Rise at 6 am, meditate, gym time, breakfast, shower, etc. It's a morning routine that helps us feel like we are keeping it all together. However, what I have come to learn is that Monday when I am finished with my routine, I am more often than not, really craving some relaxed inspiration time. Not my typical go get em activities will get me filled up and energized for the day. I find that I am most energetic and productive when I am roaring with inspiration. It's important for my personal success to take a break from my typical routine, step out of the comfort zone of "hustle" and fill myself with some new inspiration.
With each new season, I push myself to be more courageous and be even more who I am and do exactly what I desire to do. The first step is making the time to discover how to bring the passion back into my relationship with my life and my business. It’s always a process of clearing out, re-organizing and creating movement, all to open up space for the new to come forward. In an effort to draw even closer to my dreams and grow towards my ideal lifestyle, I'll be making more time in my mornings to get inspired for what's next.
I absolutely love to free journal and make a point to do it daily but sometimes a focused journal can really help you get your mindset right. The first thing in the morning is just the time we need to keep our minds on the outcome we desire to see. I am in love with the 5 minute journal, it really helps for you to get clear on what you are grateful for, what you desire to see happen and what your affirmations for the day are. This short but powerful brain session can really get your mind prepared for winning at life.
Sometimes it's not even just about the hustle, it is about handling the things in life that seem insurmountable. When you are having a stressful week, it may not be easy to meditate or hit the gym. Working on your mindset can be just the thing you need to get yourself out of a rut and of strong mind to handle the day.
It seems like something you may want to do on a weekend but why not spend some time in the morning tending to your living space? You can do things like make the bed, take out some trash, arrange some flowers on the table, set the dining room for dinner. When you proactively do things to make your space feel more blissful, you are contributing to your overall wellbeing. It will take your mind off the typical "hustle" but you will still be working towards your ideal life.
I enjoy re-arranging things, lighting candles, organizing my books, cleaning off counter top spaces, etc.

Most days as soon as we wake, we look at Instagram, read the news feed on Facebook or see what's happening in the world. Sometimes, the way to really get yourself prepared for a really productive day is to spend that time filling yourself with inspiration. Perhaps you could listen to a new podcast, plan a pretend dream vacation, read a beautiful magazine or two of your interest or go to a local boutique and see what's inspiring you. If we stick to our normal routine everyday, we can get stuck in our comfort zone doing all the things we know to do.
Living a blissful life is about doing the things that make you feel absolutely in love with life and sometimes that means taking a different route. Every so often we need to reinvigorate our mind and soul and see what lights up and gets us going. Really take the time to nurture your mind, your home and your soul and see how that impacts your day.
Images from this post via S Sterjovski