Decorating your home may feel glamorous and a bit of a luxury but over the years of my work with my clients, I've learned that is truly much more of an inside job. When clients come to me wanting to decorate their space, we often have to work through the blocks to get them to really create the home of their dreams. Things like wanting your home to look like an image from a magazine but wanting everything on a budget.
Starting your home style from that mindset is just telling the universe that you are living in lack and fear. So essentially, how you decorate and style your home is a reflection of what's really going on inside of you. It's important to adjust your mindset at the beginning of the whole process. You want your intentions be to love where you live. You want to create a beautiful space that is perfect for you. You want to buy things for your home that you love and purchase the best you can afford. You want to ONLY surround yourself with things that you absolutely adore.

When I first moved into my place, I knew that I wanted to make it the most blissful place I have ever lived, filling it with ONLY things I absolutely love. I knew that up leveling my environment would help catapult my life to its next level and it absolutely did. My entire life has evolved to exactly what was on my vision board and so much more. I learned just how to tell the Universe what I am ready for.
Clearing out the clutter, filling my home with only things I love and adore, committing to allowing myself to receive the things I truly desire was a big shout to the universe that I was ready for abundance in all areas of my life. My book came out with ease, my work was lighting me up, spending time with people I love became so much more elevated by having a space people love being in. It still blows my mind to see peoples reaction to an all black space.
" When a woman is living full out, in expansion, in service, in contribution in the world, modeling for the people around her what's possible in life. . .it makes a big shift in everyones life around her. It shows them what's possible! "
It's absolutely possible for anyone to design a home and life they absolutely love!

It's truly just about making a decision to intentionally do things to make your life and home more beautiful, uncluttered, pulled together according to your taste and style. Not according to what someone else's home or life looks like. If your home isn't expressing your true personality and the desires of you and your family, you could be blocking yourself from being stuck in settling instead of living the life that you desire. Decorate for your dreams!
P.S. I love to dress up for my home too. Caftans and silky ponchos like this one make me feel flowy, glamorous and blissful.

How do you feel about coming home? Are you living in bliss?