If there is anything that I know for sure, its that you absolutely can design the life of your dreams. Today, I really thought about this because I was reading my book for the week, The Magic. This book is a 28 day guide to gratitude and basically bringing about magic in your life. It's all about being GRATEFUL. So this morning I was thinking about how grateful I was that I work for myself. I am seriously sick, can't really get out of bed because my body hurts and I am so lucky that I am able to work from home and create my own schedule.
In the book, it challenges you to get down to why you are grateful for that. I was thinking about it for a second and realized that I can remember the days when I wasn't so lucky. I didn't work for myself and I used to have to drag my sick self to a job I hated because I needed the money. What a different lifestyle I have now.
Last week, when I was discussing the story of my journey in business, I explained a little bit about how long and difficult my journey was but I didn't talk much about the power of faith and Law of Attraction. Everything I have wanted, I put my heart and soul into my vision board. Everything, and I mean everything in my life I have manifested by being clear on my vision, putting strategic actions into place and having full faith it was coming to me.
What I feel I should add to my process is cultivating the feeling of gratitude. This is where this book comes in. Here are a few tools I use to aid me in my daily actions:
GRATITUDE is like the secret key to attracting more of the things that you want. Being grateful is so fantastic, read this post I wrote for more on gratitude. Today, I want to share with you a few ways you can actually use your home to help you cultivate more gratitude in your life.
With my private clients in Success X Design, one of the things we do is set up things in the home for success. You can do this by creating little vignettes in areas in your home that you look at and it lights you up! You can also add things that can light you up with gratitude.
Bring home fresh flowers every week so all week you can admire their beauty. Then you can say to yourself, I am so thankful I had the time to treat myself to this affordable luxury.
Eat on your favorite dishes that you love to look at and say to yourself, I am grateful I have such fabulous dishes.
I am always grateful for avocados, so I am always thankful when I get to eat them. It's just about remembering to say it.
Yes, I could be upset because I am sick, my body hurts and I feel miserable but I've learned in my life that what you focus on expands. So, I know better than to complain or be ungrateful. Today, I literally said to myself, "thank God for the internet, so I am able to work from bed while I'm sick".
I also said, " Agh. I am so thankful I had TheraFlu at home so I didn't have to get out of the house for medicine".
Do your best to choose gratitude. If you are feeling less than grateful, I understand how that feels, make sure your home is a place the easily lends you something to be grateful for. Even if you have a bare home, as long as its clean and pretty, its something to be incredibly grateful for.
One of my favorite ways to feel grateful is to frame photos of memories that I cherish. We all keep our photos these days on social media. Well, spend some time gathering photos that make you smile. Look at the photos daily and feel so grateful for life and those amazing memories.
Then watch as more of the things you focus on and give gratitude for come towards you.