One of the questions I recently got in the Blissful Living Workshop was centered around how to stay stress free during this upcoming holiday season. Most people are led to believe that this is the most stressful time of the year, along with tax season. There are plenty of tips for staying stress free amidst the chaos of the holiday season but in my opinion the absolute best way to set yourself up for a stress free and successful holiday is ORGANIZATION.
When your home is right, its a reflection of your mind being right. So, its very important that you take some time now to clear out clutter, find a place for everything and keep things clean and tidy. This is a fundamental basic of Blissful Living and its important to your well being that you keep it up. Have piles of mail been cluttering your tabletop? Are there any surfaces with lingering dust? Now is the time to attend to your home. Begin editing it, decorate for the holidays mindfully and allow yourself to throw out what doesn't need to be with ease.
I wanted to complement this post with this incredibly beautiful home tour because this home is the perfect example of edited elegance and smart organization. Designed by Jennifer Ferriera, I am smitten with this Toronto home.
Stack your bookcases with intention. Use only books that you love and try to stick to a color palette so that it has more of a serene feeling.

Keep your entryway minimal and clutter free. This is to ensure when you arrive you feel at ease.

Beautiful boxes make for the smartest storage.


Image via Style at Home