So here’s the thing. I was watching an Instagram story yesterday of a situation where someone was Marie Kondo-ing her kitchen. When I looked at her collection of dinnerware it dawned on me. Why in the world is everyone eating on white plates? Don’t you want beautiful dishes that spark joy for you?
I have always known that in Feng Shui, color is very important. Even more so after I started sleeping in blush pink sheets. It has changed the way I feel about not just wall colors, but the colors that we interact with on a day to day basis. I have had my eye on these gorgeous amethyst dinner plates. Take a look at this color chart and what it means for you….

Now if you love white, and it makes you feel good by all means stick with white. However, I have been seeing some gorgeous dinner plates lately that really make a simple meal look just absolutely delightful.
Here is where the Feng Shui comes into play:
A few ways beautiful dinner plates can affect your life. . .
You will enjoy being more mindful as you create your plate. Having a beautiful dish will make you slow down and really enjoy your meal. Mindfulness goes a long way when it comes to nourishing your body, which is excellent life feng shui.
You will be more inspired to cook and entertain, because you will be proud to show off your dishes. This will truly bring happiness, connectedness with the people in your life.
Dishes are happy memory makers. Some of my favorite sets of dishes are from my grandmothers house. They represent years of happy memories. Meal time with family is something that has gotten lost over the years but very important when it comes to blissful living. Create memories with beautiful, memorable dishes!
{ how pretty is this tea cup and saucer? }
{ bubble dishes }
{ blush pink napkins would make me really happy }