I can vividly remember first starting out as an interior designer in NYC all on my own, no one to help guide me or to answer my questions. I was desperate to keep the momentum of the blog going and at the same time fuel my decorating/design business for maximum growth. I've tried, tested, failed, succeeded at every trick under the sun. Trust me, I know what it takes and what it means to hustle.
There are so many things I wish I would have known when first starting out. However, I don't regret learning every lesson because of course, it has led me to have my dream business today. In fact, I recently did an interview with a major design based podcast (more info coming soon). After answering all the questions, it really got me to thinking about my true passion, sharing more. So, today's YouTube video is a special one for all my interior designers, decorators or any fabulous entrepreneuress. Check out my video for the 3 things I did when I wanted to begin to attract my ideal clients.

After I began working with my coaches, I realized just how much working smarter and not harder can serve you. I learned the value in clarity. I know from experience running your own design business is difficult, scary and sometimes we can feel so alone.
I want us to feel less alone. Like we are all in it together. So, if you want more of that in your life I suggest you join my Unleash Your Ista home study program, if that's right for you. It will guide you to creating more of YOU and YOUR desires for a more blissful business.