If you received yesterdays love letter then you got my guide for starting off 2017 strong. The most important thing to do is to reflect on your 2016 to gain clarity on what you loved, what you didn't and how you would like to experience in 2017. I decided to go back and review all of my 10 things posts from 2016 to get a good look at what I experienced this year. I had all sorts of feelings as I looked back on this last year. While everyone seems to be feeling aggressive about how awful 2016 was, I've made the decision to find the silver lining. It was a weird year for sure but it also was phenomenal.
I realized just how fast time goes by. I feel like I started ISTA magazine the other day and it was actually in the Spring. I did 3 issues. It pretty much blew my mind. Where did the time go?
in 2017, I want to slow down a little more. Really take in and celebrate even the smallest accomplishments.
I've come to an even deeper understanding of just how precious life is. I lost some family members and its times like these that put everything into perspective.
In 2017, I don't want to let any dreams die. I want to work on everything I've been desiring to create. It took me 3 years to finish my book. Never again.
I've become comfortably intimate with fear. When you feel fear and push past the discomfort, just on the other side of that is incredible magic. That's where joy, radiance and bliss live.
In 2017, I want to always boldly walk towards uncomfortable fear and allow it to fuel my fire.
Creatively, this was such a dark year for me. All black, dark colors and super moody vibes were my jam.
In 2017, I want to add a little bit more color to everything I do.
I saw SEVERAL things on my vision board come to life. Every year my boards get stronger and more powerful. It's pretty incredible what can happen when you put your energy and focus more into what you want and not what you don't. As Abraham Hicks says, "where focus goes, energy flows". If you haven't used my Vision Board guide, get it here.
In 2017, I want to create a vision board that is simple, clear and so specific to the things I REALLY desire in my life. Clear out the clutter.
I learned the importance of saying NO, more often. I found myself drained at times doing things to help others. Mostly because I love seeing other people win. I learned that saying NO can also help others, because they learn how to be more resourceful. At the same time, I have more freedom to attend to my priorities, especially the things I typically procrastinate.
In 2017, I'm going to hire an assistant and delegate a LOT more of my work load.
I self published my book Blissful Living, which was amazing watching a forever dream of mine come to life.
In 2017, I want to write more. It's so much fun.
Are you ready for 2017? Spend a little time in reflection and see what comes up for you. . .
Check out this post I wrote last year on preparation for the new year.