I am a total chair girl. I could collect chairs like they are shoes. There is something so magical about them and I really don't know what it is, but its palpable to me. As a little girl, chairs were everything. I remember rocking my little cousins to sleep ( I always loved babies ) on grandmas rocking chair, I would get so excited to do it. Family dinners were my favorite memories and they were spent in beautiful chairs with high backs and damask fabric. I always loved the feeling of getting to sit in those gorgeous chairs. When I became an adult, the only thing I begged my grandmother for, was the set of bamboo chairs we grew up sitting in. I mean, I am obsessed.
Which leads me to talk to you today about chairs. I'm currently on the hunt for a clients office area and I am fixated on finding the perfect chair. The chair, aka the throne, where you place your bum all day needs to be magical. It needs to make you excited to sit in it. Who wants to sit in a boring or uncomfortable chair all day? It enhances your space while you work and gives you an extra dose of confidence and let me tell you, the bigger the chair, the better.

Whether you are working from home, writing thank you notes or your to do list, you want to feel fabulous and confident doing it. The perfect throne will enhance your daily work experience and make it feel special. If you want an inspiration or boost of work confidence, invest in a new throne and see what happens. . .

I always loved the way Khloe Kardashians office had a statement making chair.

A few of my favorites...