This post is all about how I manifested my Hermes Avalon blanket and ways to style it in your home.
Let me just off this post with a fun fact. Energy is everything. So, the more cleared out, energetically aligned you and your environment are, the more powerful and confident you will walk into your days and you’ll magnetically attract back to you the energy you are putting out.
There are many factors to keeping a high vibe home and in the next few blog posts I’ll be sharing my go to moves. For today, I’m going to share a personal story to illustrate how and why your energy determines your destiny.
For years, I swear by the art of manifesting with vision boards. Every year I create a board that has all the things I want in my life. The past few years in particular, I’ve always had chic black and white interior decor images (including the image above) because your home should always be something you want to up-level and enhance continually.
On this particular vision board was a photo of the black and white Hermes Avalon Blanket.
And this year for Christmas, one of my gifts was the ever-so-coveted Hermès Avalon blanket. A true statement piece. To be honest, at first I felt a little disappointment because there was something else I had my eye on and was bummed I didn’t get it.
However, a day later when I peeked over at my vision board, I saw the statement blanket staring right back at me like a spotlight on my vision board (in fact it was the photo above).
At that moment, it hit me like a firework. Holy Crap, I got exactly what I was energetically manifesting via law of attraction!! I didn’t get what I was just thinking I wanted (something that wasn’t on my vision board.)
You see, what happens is that when we subconsciously fill our mind with the images we are attracted to, we call it in, even though you may not even realize it. It can’t help but make its way to you. It’s as simple as that.
I was reminded that energy truly is everything, and even when you aren’t paying attention you’re putting out what you’re in vibration with, like the gorgeous interior photo I placed on my vision board from two years ago. This is why you not only have to be super specific and clear about what you want, you MUST clear out ANYTHING that may stay in your energy that you don’t really want, because you just may actually get it.
Once I got this little bit of insight, I couldn’t wait to use my incredibly chic new blanket in my home. For me, not only does it represent luxury and an elevated level of living but it also represents the energy of manifestation and having everything that you want… long as you become a vibrational match to it. Here’s the thing, you can use your home to AMPLIFY your manifesting powers with a little bit of Feng Shui and a lot of intention.
Now please don’t think that I mean you need an Hermès blanket to manifest your dreams, that’s not the case. What I do mean is that you need to use your home and what you have in it as energetic influencers.
Here’s why: after a lot of thought (and several inspiration images you’ll see below) I decided to style my blanket on my bed. Which led me to the realization that the sheets on our bed need to be upgraded too, as well as the bed cover.
Old sheets carry a lot of heavy energy from our lives. The stress, the tears, the joy, the sleepless nights, anxiety, etc. I instantly ordered a new set of my favorite sheets and this duvet set.
This has me enjoying making the bed in the morning that much more, it also felt good to us to start the year off with a fresh set of sheets. That blanket caused a shift within our relationship and our home, a chance to upgrade, to elevate to get in the energy of a fresh start.
It allows us to feel like we are bringing a better version of ourselves into the new year. There’s some real POWER in that. So for you, it could be that luxurious candle you’ve been wanting, a new tv, custom closet storage or even a throw blanket.
Think about it….
Who do you want to be in the next 12 months?
What areas of your home could use a fresh start or a cleaning out?
Where do you and your home need an up-level?
For now, let me inspire you even further with some gorgeous inspiration images for how to style your Hermès Avalon blanket…