I've been prepping for my upcoming SXSW event with Jonathan Adler and have been running around town seeking out great flower arrangements. I ended up bringing home a TON of greenery because something about the color green is just giving me good vibes right now. The weather outside is absolutely gorgeous and fresh green in the home just makes me feel more alive.

In addition to adding a little something extra to the decor, plants breathe good energy. It stimulates the energy or the space encourage you to feel more energized and refreshed. It also allows you to be connected with nature which is a calming feeling.

Now for those of you who say you are plant killers, don't fret. Right now I am seeing cactus everywhere. They are so in vogue and totally hard to kill. Why not head over to your local plant shop and grab a beauty?

Not into the cactus look? It's okay. You can get some succulents of any other kind of houseplant that you like. It doesn't have to be a fiddle leaf like everyone else seems to have, see my tips for caring for one here. Get something palmy. Here are some inspiration pics. . .

Milo and Mitzy

simple lovely blog

Laure Joliet Photography