Last night I attended an event in Dallas with a ton of beautiful fashion bloggers. I was so surprised to see the drones of girls about who were all were so excited to start a blog with and with such passion. I felt super lucky in the moment to realize that I've been blogging about my obsession with interiors for about 8 years now and I really felt a sense of pride that I began blogging waaaaay back in the day when it wasn't such a popular thing to do. In fact, I remembered that in the beginning I was embarrassed to even tell my family that I was doing because I felt like they just wouldn't understand. Now, everybody is doing it.
I get asked all the time whether or not blogging I feel blogging is worth it and if I would do it all over again. The answer is absolutely yes! While I do feel that there are so many bloggers out there and its hard to stand out from the crowd, there is a massive marketing aspect that blogging can provide for your business, passion or goals. With the internet being a main source of commerce and education, I believe that blogging is not just a hobby or dream job anymore. It can be one of your strongest marketing tools.
If you want to be a super fashion blogger and you want to start a blog for fame thats perfectly fine. However, blogging isn't just for those people. If you are a business owner, like myself and provide services or product and you want to share information and reach a larger customer base, blogging can be one of the greatest things you can do for your business. I'm extremely passionate about this because its helped me in my business so much. My blog, in large parts, helped create my dream career.
Which is why I wrote my e-book. Secrets of Style Blogging: The ultimate How-To guide for blogging success.
A peek inside my book
I wrote the first copy about 3 years ago for anyone who wanted to learn more about the basics of blogging. In it, I share all my experiences and answer all the questions I was dying to know, but nobody would freely share the information with me. Now, by popular demand from my readers, I've rewritten, updated and extended my original version and its for sale in full print here on Amazon. Yay!
I'm going to GIVEAWAY a copy of my book for those of you who need a little help in this arena. I get emails almost everyday asking about blogging, so I can imagine there are plenty of you who could benefit from reading a copy!
Rules for the giveaway? Just leave a comment below and tell me why you want one. I'll be doing giveaways on instagram, facebook and twitter too! So, if you don't win here, try there too. Winner will be selected at random. Good luck! XO