Hello everyone, hope you are all having a beautiful week. The weather in Austin is so beautiful right now, can't help but enjoy opening windows and letting in all the light. Have you all seen the new issue of Domino? It's pretty amazing, I am pretty sprung on the issue. It's filled with just gorgeous images with lots of new decorating ideas. It prompted me to go to the Domino galleries and check out some of the images. So many of the old images in full size, which is awesome because when in print they can be so small. So, I wanted to share a few looks I really love right now and am inspired to try...
I love the gray walls here with beautiful neutral french accents. I love every piece in this room, including the layered rugs, but I don't really get that coffee table. I would have chosen something a bit more rich or even added some more wood.
I also adore the clean look of this room. It's so chic and simple. The artwork is what really gets me, you can't go wrong when your art is so statement making.
Now, the architecture in this space is so fun because its a classic New York living room. Double windows, fireplace, great floors. I love the buttery wall color and the relaxed yet sophisticated feel of the furnishings. A very well styled living space with amazing natural light, its so necessary.
Now here is a modern twist on the same sort of space, I prefer the fireplace to have more character and I love window dressings, but this space is gorgeous too. Something about it just says modern luxury and a chic art collection. Also note how much flowers do for a photo and a space. Very nice.
images found in domino galleries