book love: jonathan adler Chic + Inside Today's Home vintage

If you haven't read Jonathan Adler's book
you must get it now!
It's so much fun and filled with so many great ideas and inspiring photos.
One of my favorites has always been this little vignette of his home...I think it is the adorable guy with a little mustache. 
Anyway, I always had this photo in the back of my mind and always was curious about his book selections (like I am every other designer). 
To my absolute surprise...I recognized this book
INSIDE TODAYS HOME at a vintage store in palm springs...This book is fantastic.
Jam packed with decor tips and photos from the 70's. It's like a fun encyclopedia of decorating with everything from spacing to fabrics to glass to resources. I love it.
If you see this book at a local thrift store, get it. You wont be disappointed! 

and in other blissful news...I am guest blogger today at the beautiful Helena's blog...
A diary of lovely. and it is so lovely!
check out her blog and the post here.