inspiring blogger: PoshGlam

The other night the gallery I work at had a huge fashion event to kick off fashion week.

Have you guys ever heard of this blog?
Well, I hadn't either, but this girl is taking over the fashion world.
She started out as just a small blog and has now grown to be 1 of the top 10 fashion blogs in the country.
Her event was outrageous, she had tons of sponsors, a red carpet and everything.
When I asked for her secrets...
She said, she just started writing her thoughts and before she knew it, she was getting
emails from everyone who she looked up to.
And now she has a staff of 5.
This is the beautiful blogger behind the madness, Kimberly Stone.
She is pretty inspiring.

And just for fun, here is a pic of my staff + I at the Gallery. 
We had a superfun time.
So bloggers, keep blogging... you never know where it might lead you!

UPDATE: style secrets
(since you asked...)
Jacket: Vintage Shop in Venice
Shirt: Image
Denim Leggings: DNA