Lately I have been really recalling my love of making a home. Taking time and putting thought into the things that are truly important to me as far as domestic bliss goes. One of those being making my home office time more enjoyable by prettifying it a little more. Then,  I can get to writing those thank you notes I need to get around to...

image via here

NEEDING. WANTING. LOVING. beautiful brass seating

 When I first stumbled across this lovely office space I couldn't help but think of how lovely the shade of pink on the wall was. I quickly realized that my favorite part of this space is this amazing chair. I am so into metal accent chairs lately, especially the brass ones. I am now going to be endlessly searching this city for the perfect one for my home office...

 I just love this Klismos (old greek style) brass and leather weaved chair. It's incredibly glam and stylish, but I am not quite sure how comfortable that would be to work in all day. I am very much into comfort, so a plush seat with buttery soft leather would be so perfect for me...
 Even placing a sweet little brass chair in the bathroom makes for a heavenly little sitting spot. 

images via sfgirlbybay, lonnymag, here, tylerdawson, & younghouselove.

office space of the day...i HEART YOU

To be completely honest, I'm not a huge fan of decals. They simply go against most of the things I long to see on walls. However, when I laid eyes on this oversized pink heart...my heart skipped a beat. It's absolutely adorable, perfect for an office space or bedroom, affordable, and temporary. Genius!
white walls + white furnishings + adorable mint green chair + pretty pink flowers + huge pink heart =
domestic bliss

office space of the day...HIGH and LOW

Want to see a chic office done two ways? See if you can tell the difference between these two Style at Home office spaces. (I always love it when a bookshelf blends into the wall color. Totally a trick of the trade,  It adds an architectural element to your space...)
modern black chair + exotic orange rug + pink bergere chair + chic bookshelf + dishes on display =
domestic bliss

click the jump to find out if its the high or the low...

(this is the office space on a budget)
see the details here at styleathome


Recently, I have had a HUGE crush on gingham. Sure enough, my dear friend Katie Armour of Matchbook Magazine gave us a peek insider her fabulous apartment filled with gingham. I am a huge fan of repeating a pattern all over the home and I think she did the perfect job of pulling off the look without overdoing it. Totally impressed. Oh, seeing this sweet apartment is making me so impatient, I am so ready to move into my new pad NOW! I am addicted to redecorating a new space...who's with me?

 a gingham screen is always a good way to go...
 or this pair of gingham wingback chairs from Ethan Allen...
 a lavender gingham backsplash in the kitchen is too adorable...
 or how about some decorista pink gingham french style chairs...and this gingham valence over the bed works wonders too! 

office space of the day...WHITE GLAMOUR

It's about that time to leave Las Vegas and I am more than ready to go. Next stop on this trip, Los Angeles. Can't wait to get back to my beloved city, it always just reminds me of Hollywood Glamour.  I really wish I was working from this gorgeous + glamorous space today...
white floors + white rug + gorgeous black desk + pretty fireplace + sexy sconces + pop of leopard=
domestic bliss